Invited Speakers and Topics
Prof. Dr. Hermann Stuppner (Leopol-Franzens University of Innsbruck - Austria)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ecker (University
of Vienna - Austria)
Experimental data guided docking allows to
elucidate the molecular basis of drug-transporter interaction
Prof. Dr. Robert Sindelar (University
of British Columbia – Canada)
Time to catalyze
pharmacy change: academic models to consider
Prof. Dr. Francoise Falson (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – France)
Students exchange in pharmacy: present and
future, why and how
Dr. Nicolas TSAPIS (Université Paris-Sud – France)
Spray-drying from fundamentals to therapeutic applications
Prof. Dr. Tadayuki Uno (Osaka
University - Japan)
Molecular analysis of
human drug metabolizing enzyme, cytochrome P450
Prof. Dr. Joeng Hill
Park (Seoul
National University
- Korea)
Increased activity of
processed ginseng
Prof. Dr. Sang-Cheol Chi (Sung Kyunkwan University - Korea)
Formulation of transdermal/topical dosage forms in Korea
Prof. Dr. Beom Jin Lee (Ajou University - Korea)
Fattigation and self-assembled nanoparticles in drug delivery
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jantan (Universiti Kebangsaan
- Malaysia)
Integrated research approaches in natural products drug discovery and
herbal medicine development
Dr. Herman J. Woerdenbag (University of Groningen - Netherland)
Pharmacy preparations,
customized quality in Dutch clinical care
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chuthamanee Suthisisang (Mahidol
University - Thailand)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa (Hanoi
University of Pharmacy - Vietnam)
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Minh Duc (The University
of Medicine and Pharmacy at
Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam)
Medicinal plants in Vietnam - Potentials,
chalenges, and advances in research
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Hung (The University
of Medicine and Pharmacy at
Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam)
Using of
direct infusion mass spectrometry in detection and characterization of chemical
constituents and impurities in medicinal plants